
Migrate from Release Preview App to Timeline

This migration guide provides a detailed breakdown of the necessary changes needed to transition from using the Release Preview App to Timeline.

The Release Preview App is a third party extension to preview your release, whereas the Timeline feature offers more functionality and versatility to preview how your site will appear once scheduled updates are made live, providing a comprehensive view of upcoming content transformations.

Note: The Release Preview app is no longer supported and has been removed from the Contentstack marketplace.


  1. Upgrade Packages

    Upgrade the JavaScript Delivery SDK and Live Preview Utils SDK to enable the timeline feature.

    Note: The timeline feature requires Live Preview Utils version 2.0 or above.

    For Client-side Rendering (CSR)

    Use the following code snippet to update the SDKs for your CSR websites.

    // UPGRADE
    npm i contentstack@latest @contentstack/live-preview-utils@latest

    For Server-side Rendering (SSR)

    Use the following code snippet to update the SDKs for your SSR websites.

    // UPGRADE
    npm i contentstack@latest @contentstack/live-preview-utils@latest
  2. Remove Live Preview Utils CSS

    Live Preview Utils CSS is now included by default, so you no longer need to import it.

    For Client-side Rendering (CSR)

    Remove the following from your CSR website code.

    import "@contentstack/live-preview-utils/dist/main.css";
    import "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview/dist/compareUtils.browser.min.js";
    import "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview/dist/compareUtilsStyle.css";

    For Server-side Rendering (SSR)

    Remove the following from your SSR website code.

    import "@contentstack/live-preview-utils/dist/main.css";
    import "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview/dist/compareUtils.browser.min.js";
    import "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview/dist/compareUtilsStyle.css";
  3. Remove Release Preview App Setup Logic

    Remove the following functions from your CSR and SSR website codes as they are by default handled by the server and SDK.

    For Client-side Rendering (CSR)

    Remove the ReleasePreviewPlugin code, ReleasePreview.init and Compare Utils as these functions are now handled by server and SDK.

    import * as contentstack from "contentstack";
    // REMOVE
    import { releaseReplaceAlgorithm, releaseReplacePreReq } from "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview";
    // REMOVE
    class ReleasePreviewPlugin {
     onRequest (stack, request) {
       releaseReplacePreReq(stack, request);
       return request;
     async onResponse(stack, request, response, data) {
       const _data = data['entries'] || data['assets'] || data['entry'] || data['asset'];
       await releaseReplaceAlgorithm(_data, stack);
       return data
    export const stack = contentstack.Stack({
     plugins: [
       // REMOVE
       new ReleasePreviewPlugin()

    Also remove the ReleasePreview.init functionality.

    // App.tsx
    import ReleasePreview from "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview"; // REMOVE
    import { useSearchParams } from "react-router-dom";
    import { stack } from "./sdk";
    import { getReleasePreviewSession } from "./utils"; // REMOVE
    function App() {
        const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true);
        const [searchParams] = useSearchParams();
        useEffect(() => {
    	    (async () => {
    	   //* REMOVE start
    	   const release_preview_options = getReleasePreviewSession(searchParams);
            await ReleasePreview.init(stack, release_preview_options);
    	   //* REMOVE END
         }, []);
        return (isLoading ? null : /*YOUR COMPONENT HERE*/)

    For Server-side Rendering (SSR)

    Remove the ReleasePreviewPlugin code, ReleasePreview.init and Compare Utils as these functions are now handled by server and SDK.

    // sdk.js
    const contentstack = require("contentstack");
    // REMOVE
    const { releaseReplaceAlgorithm, releaseReplacePreReq } = require("@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview");
    // REMOVE
    class ReleasePreviewPlugin {
     onRequest (stack, request) {
       releaseReplacePreReq(stack, request);
       return request;
     async onResponse(stack, request, response, data) {
       const _data = data['entries'] || data['assets'] || data['entry'] || data['asset'];
       await releaseReplaceAlgorithm(_data, stack);
       return data
    export const stack = contentstack.Stack({
     plugins: [
       // REMOVE
       new ReleasePreviewPlugin()

    Also remove the ReleasePreview.init functionality.

    // app.js
    const { default: ReleasePreview } =  require('@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview');
    const { stack } = require('./sdk');
    // REMOVE
    const { getReleasePreviewSession } = require('./utils');
    app.use(async (req, res, next) => {
    // REMOVE whole try catch block for init
     try {
       const release_preview_options = getReleasePreviewSession(req, res)
       await ReleasePreview.init(stack, release_preview_options);
     } catch(err) {
       console.error('error while setting release preview', err);

Note: For first-time users, additional details on how to tree shake live preview utils and slim down your production build can be found in the Set Up Timeline for your Website documentation.

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