
Edit an Entry

Editing an entry in Contentstack allows you to quickly update your content to reflect the latest information or changes.

To edit an entry, log in to your Contentstack account, and perform the following steps:

  1. Go to your stack and click the “Entries” icon in the left navigation panel or use the shortcut key “E” (for both Windows and Mac users).
  2. Locate the entry you want to modify and update the necessary fields in the entry.
  3. Click Save to save your changes or publish to make the changes live.
  4. Alternatively, to edit an entry from the Entries list page, click the vertical ellipsis in the Actions column, select Edit, make the changes, and click Save or Publish.
  • Use the locale dropdown to edit entries in different languages and save or publish changes as needed. To create new language versions, refer to the Localize an Entry guide.
  • To edit entry variants for delivering personalized content to specific user groups, refer to our Edit an Entry Variant document.
  • Use the version dropdown at the top-right to switch between entry versions, compare changes, restore previous states, and save modifications as the latest version.

Preview Entry Changes

Contentstack provides multiple features designed to simplify entry editing and ensure efficient content management. These tools include:

  1. Live Preview: See real-time updates to your content before saving or publishing.
  2. Visual Builder: Edit page layouts in real-time directly on the preview of your website without developer assistance.
  3. Timeline: Visualize and manage the publishing history and future updates. Preview scheduled updates and track publishing history.

API Reference

To edit entries via API, refer to the Update an entry API request.

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