
Non-localizable Field

Contentstack provides the option to mark any field of your content type as ‘Non-localizable’. This feature is useful for cases where you do not want content managers to translate the value of a field for localized entries. An example of this is a URL field which should remain the same in all localized entries or an image that is common for all localized entries.

When you mark a field as ‘Non-localizable’, you can add data to that field only in the master language entry. The field cannot be edited (or translated) in the localized versions of the entry.

Note: Editing the data of a ‘Non-localizable’ field in the master-language entry will automatically update the field data in all the localized versions of the entry and the version number of the localized entries will increment by 1.

How to set a field as ‘Non-localizable’

If the Non-localizable option is enabled for a field, it restricts editing (or translation) of that field in localized entries. Non-localizable fields can be edited only through the master-language entry, and its value is reflected in the localized entries.

To mark a field as ‘Non-localizable’, follow the steps given below:

  1. In your content type, hover over the field that you want to set as “Non-localizable”, and click the “settings” gear icon.
  2. Check the Non-localizable option.Non-localizable_Field_highlighted.png
  3. Click on Save and Close.

Once you do this, open the entry in the master language. Enter the data for all the fields, including the “Non-localizable” field. Save the entry.

Now, select a language using the language selector located on the top of the page. This will open the unlocalized copy of the entry. You will find that the “Non-localizable” field has been disabled.


Points to remember about the “Non-localizable” field

Before using the ‘non-localiable field’ feature, it’s important to understand it completely, and learn how it works in different scenarios.

Case 1: If you edit an existing content type (which has localized entries), and you mark a field as non-localizable, then:

  • The value of the non-localizable field in the master-language entry will be reflected immediately in the localized entries.
  • The current version of all localized entries of that content type will increment by 1 since there is a change in data.

Case 2: If a field of an existing content type is already marked non-localizable, but is later changed to localizable, then:

  • The value of the non-localizable field in the master-language entry will continue to reflect in all the localized entries.
  • In the master-language entry, you will no longer see the ‘Non-localizable’ tag against the field.
  • You will now be able to change the data of the previously tagged non-localizable field in localized entries.
  • The version number will not increment in any of the localized entries.

Case 3: If a field is marked as 'Non-localizable' and you delete all languages except the master language from your stack, then:

  • All entries created for the language will be deleted.
  • In the master-language entry, you will no longer see the ‘Non-localizable’ tag against the field.
  • On adding the deleted language again to your stack, all the entries (that were deleted while deleting the language) will be restored, along with the non-localizable field, which will continue to work as earlier.
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