

The HTTP Action lets you make an HTTP call whenever a trigger event occurs.

Set up the HTTP Action

Perform the following steps to set up the HTTP action connector:

  1. Click Configure Action Step from the left navigation panel.
  2. Click Action Step to configure third-party services.
  3. Within the Configure Action Step, click the HTTP connector.
  4. Under Choose an Action tab, select the HTTP Request action.HTTP_Request_Action.png
  5. On the HTTP Request Configure Action page, enter the details given below:
    1. Under the Select Account drop-down, select one of the accounts connected to your project. The sensitive information, such as access code, secret key, API key, etc., can be fetched from the selected account.

      Note: Select Account is an optional field. You can still configure the action without selecting an account.

    2. Enter the URL and select any HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH. For this example, we are choosing the GET HTTP method.
    3. Optionally, enable the Show Optional Fields toggle button to enter the respective names and values for Headers and Query Parameters.
    4. Provide a Header Name and a Value fetched from the Account Data drop-down. The Account data drop-down contains all the sensitive masked data retrieved from the selected account.
    5. Click the Throw error status checkbox to throw an error in case the error status codes are between 4**-5**.

      Note: Throw an error will display an error message in the Trigger output and the Execution Log section.

  6. Click Proceed.
  7. Check if the details are correct. If yes, click Test Action.
  8. Once set, click Save and Exit. Hit the URL to find the header value in the output.Save_Exit.png

This sets the HTTP action connector.

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