

The Aprimo connector lets you update and fetch asset details stored in Aprimo.

Set up Aprimo Connector

The Aprimo connector lets you perform the following actions:

  1. Edit a Record
  2. Get Single Record

Let’s look at each of them in detail.

Edit a Record

This action lets you update the attributes such as Asset ID, Title, Description, Asset Status etc. of an asset/record stored in Aprimo.

  1. Click Configure Action Step from the left navigation panel.
  2. Click Action Step to configure third-party services.
  3. Within the Configure Action Step, click the Aprimo connector.
  4. Under Choose an Action tab, select the Edit a Record action.
  5. Click the + Add New Account button to add your Aprimo account.
  6. In the Authorize pop-up window, provide the Title, Aprimo URL, Client ID, and Client Secret.

    To generate Client ID and Client Secret, log in to the Aprimo dashboard and perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Administration tab in the left navigation panel
    2. Click Integration in the left navigation panel and then click Registrations.
    3. Click the New icon present on the right side of the page.
    4. Provide the required details and then click the Save icon.
    5. You will be able to see the Client ID. Below is the list of Redirect URLs for different Contentstack Regions.
      • US (North America, or NA)

        Redirect URL:


      • Azure NA

        Redirect URL:


      • Europe (EU)

        Redirect URL:


      Note: It is mandatory to select the OAuth Flow Type as Client Credential. The credentials are activated after 15 minutes so you can use them to authorize your Aprimo account.

  7. Enter an Account Name and then click Save.
  8. Select an Asset which you want to update from the Lookup dropdown.

    Note: Contentstack Marketplace offers an Aprimo app for its users, so they can fetch the assets/images into their Contentstack CMS entry. With the Aprimo connector, you can fetch the asset id from the Aprimo entry and you can edit the asset attributes.

  9. In the Asset Attribute field, provide the name of the attribute in the Key field and the value that you want to update in the Value field.
  10. Click the Proceed button.
  11. Click the Test Action button to test the configured action.
  12. Once set, click the Save and Exit button.
  13. Navigate to the Aprimo dashboard to view the changes on the selected asset/record.

Get Single Record

This action lets you fetch the asset details from your Aprimo dashboard.

  1. Within the Configure Action Step, click the Aprimo connector.
  2. Select the Get Single Record action.
  3. Click the + Add New Account button to add your Aprimo account.
  4. In the Authorize pop-up window, provide the Title, Aprimo URL, Client ID, and Client Secret.

    To generate Client ID and Client Secret, log in to the Aprimo dashboard and perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Administration tab in the left navigation panel
    2. Click Integration in the left navigation panel and then click Registrations.
    3. Click the New icon present on the right side of the page.
    4. Provide the required details and then click the Save icon.
    5. You will be able to see the Client ID. Below is the list of Redirect URLs for different Contentstack Regions.
      • US (North America, or NA)

        Redirect URL:


      • Azure NA

        Redirect URL:


      • Europe (EU)

        Redirect URL:


      Note: It is mandatory to select the OAuth Flow Type as Client Credential. The credentials are activated after 15 minutes so you can use them to authorize your Aprimo account.

  5. Enter an Account Name and then click Save.
  6. Select the Record ID to fetch the asset details from the Lookup dropdown.
  7. Click the Proceed button.
  8. Click the Test Action button to test the configured action.
  9. Once set, click the Save and Exit button.

Note: Aprimo does not support the Firefox browser, hence you cannot run this connector on Firefox.

This sets up the Aprimo action connector.

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