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Is integrating your digital asset management system with a DXP a good idea?

The Contentstack TeamSep 22, 20235 min read
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In today's digital world, organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve the experiences they provide to their customers. One way they can accomplish this is to integrate their existing digital asset management (DAM) system with a digital experience platform (DXP).

In this blog, we'll look at how a DXP and a DAM system differ when it makes sense to integrate your existing DAM system with a DXP and some of the benefits of this type of integration.

What is a digital asset management system?

A DAM system stores organizes, and manages digital content, including images, videos, graphics, and documents for use across an organization. DAM systems are typically used by companies that must control a large volume of digital assets while also remaining compliant with regulations applicable to their industries. DAM software securely stores and preserves data from loss while limiting access via workflows and user controls.

While DAM systems are great for protecting and storing critical digital assets, there often must be a way to seamlessly deliver these assets to customers on the front-end presentation layer. That's where the digital experience platform can make the difference.

What is a digital experience platform (DXP)?

A DXP software platform helps organizations create, manage, and deliver exceptional digital experiences across multiple channels. Composable DXPs enable organizations to integrate their existing tech stack, including their DAM system, into one platform to create more streamlined and seamless user experiences (UX).

A headless CMS is an essential component of the composable DXP because this decouples the back end from the front end so that each area can be developed separately. Yet, they can still communicate via an application programming interface (API) so that assets on the back end can easily be called up for delivery to multiple channels, including websites, smartphones, native apps, and social media.

When it makes sense to integrate a DAM system and DXP

While a DXP alone can serve as a central repository for storing and managing all types of digital assets, replacing an existing DAM system may sometimes be feasible. Or an organization may be unwilling to move large volumes of data from their DAM system to a DXP. However, while the DAM software securely stores digital assets with workflows and user controls, it only sometimes provides an easy way for organizations to leverage these assets to improve user and customer experience.

A DXP and DAM system integration can help an organization to centralize the management of its digital assets, improve the searchability and discoverability of these assets, and streamline omnichannel delivery while at the same time protecting assets from unauthorized use.

A DXP can be integrated with your full tech stack, including the DAM system, proprietary software, analytics tools, marketing automation, CRMs, and more. One of the excellent capabilities of a composable DXP is its modular and decoupled CMS so that apps and integrations can take place over time for seamless, uninterrupted user and customer experiences. This puts the organization in control of prioritizing when integrating each of its systems with the DXP and when to roll out new features and functionality.

While integrating your tech stack with a DXP can take some time, it's well worth the effort because it empowers organizations to keep up with customer expectations for more personalized and relevant digital experiences on all their channels based on real-time feedback.

The benefits of integrating DXPs and DAM systems

The integration of DXPs and DAM systems can provide several benefits for organizations, including:

Increased efficiency 

Organizations can save time and resources by centralizing the management of digital assets. This is because they no longer need to maintain multiple asset management systems.

Improved asset management

DAM software provides powerful features for managing digital assets across teams, such as asset tagging, version control, and workflow automation. DAMs can help organizations to keep their assets organized and up-to-date.

Enhanced content delivery

DXPs can help content creators deliver content to various channels, such as websites, mobile apps, and social media. This can help organizations reach users on the device or channel of their choice and expand their audience.

Personalized digital experiences

DXPs can be used to personalize digital experiences for individual users by gauging user feedback quickly and using data from the DAM system to select the most relevant assets for these users. This can help organizations to engage with their customers on a more personal level.

Things to consider before making a decision

When choosing an integration solution, it is essential to consider your organization's unique needs. Some factors include the organization's size, the number of digital assets to be managed, and the desired security and compliance features.

Second, you need to think about your digital strategy. If you want to create and deliver personalized digital experiences, a DXP can help you, even if you already have a DAM system.

By integrating your existing DAM system with a composable DXP, you can enhance marketing automation and ensure your marketing teams can easily access your latest and greatest digital assets. Then, they can leverage them to create more engaging and personalized experiences for greater customer satisfaction.

Finally, you need to think about your budget. Integrating a DAM system with a DXP can be a significant investment. But if you're serious about creating and delivering outstanding digital and customer experiences, it's an investment that's worth making.

Here are some other essential things to consider before deciding to integrate your DAM system with a DXP:

  • Not all DXPs are created equal. Ensure your chosen platform is composable to integrate with your full tech stack, including your DAM system.

  • Choose the correct integration approach. There are several ways to integrate a DXP with a DAM. One standard method is to use an API. The DXP can use the API to access the DAM's assets and then deliver them to the desired channel. Another approach is to use a plugin. A plugin can be installed on the DXP to make it easier to integrate with the DAM.

  • Plan for the integration. Integrating two systems can be a complex process. It's essential to plan carefully and to involve all stakeholders in the process ahead of time.

  • Provide training. Once the systems are integrated, it's critical to provide training to your users. This will help them understand how to use the new system and how it can benefit them.

Learn More

By centralizing the management of digital assets and improving the searchability and discoverability of those assets, organizations can deliver more personalized and relevant digital experiences to their customers by integrating their existing DAM system with a DXP. To learn more about our composable DXP, schedule a demo today.

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The Contentstack team comprises highly skilled professionals specializing in product marketing, customer acquisition and retention, and digital marketing strategy. With extensive experience holding senior positions in notable technology companies across various sectors, they bring diverse backgrounds and deep industry knowledge to deliver impactful solutions.  

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